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Tortura - prática comum desde o 11 de Setembro

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Pintura de parede do artista iraquiano Salah Edine Sallat em Sadr City, Baghdad (2004-05-23)
(Foto de Ramzi Haidar/AFP/in New York Review of Books)

Mark Danner in New York Review of Bookspublica um longo artigo, de que se apresenta um extracto abaixo, onde informa sobre a prática generalizada da tortura pelo exército dos Estados Unidos incentivada desde o 11 de Setembro e que só chegou ao grande público com "as recordações" digitalizadas de Abu Ghraib.

"Behind the exotic brutality so painstakingly recorded in Abu Ghraib, and the multiple tangled plotlines that will be teased out in the coming weeks and months about responsibility, knowledge, and culpability, lies a simple truth, well known but not yet publicly admitted in Washington: that since the attacks of September 11, 2001, officials of the United States, at various locations around the world, from Bagram in Afghanistan to Guantanamo in Cuba to Abu Ghraib in Iraq, have been torturing prisoners.

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