Os snipers que mataram polícias e civis em Kiev estariam por conta do actual poder
O ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Letónia, Urmas Paet, na sequência da sua visita a Kiev, em 25 de Fevereiro, durante os confrontos da Pçª Maidan, informou Catherine Ashton, Alta Representante da União Europeia para os Negócios Estrangeiros e a Política de Segurança e Vice-Presidente da Comissão Europeia, de que
"há agora uma convicção cada vez mais forte de que por detrás dos atiradores furtivos [que mataram polícias e civis] não estava Yanukovich mas alguém da atual coligação". "Toda a evidência mostra que foram os mesmos atiradores furtivos que mataram pessoas de ambos os lados, polícias e civis", da Praça Maidan. Segundo outra fonte, reproduzida a seguir, o MNE da Letónia disse que "é muito preocupante que as novas autoridades não queiram investigar isto"
Catherine Ashton reagiu à informação dizendo que "Bem,... isso é, isso é terrível" acrescentando que isso é matéria para investigação"
Este diálogo telefónico entre Paet e Ashton foi objecto de fuga para as redes sociais. Quem ficou incomodado com a fuga desmentiu mas o ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Letónia, confrontado com o texto do telefonema confirmou-o.
(Notícia completa,* mais abaixo, neste post em Inglês, obtida aqui: http://rt.com/news/estonia-confirm-leaked-tape-970/ )
Outra fonte com vários vídeos sobre a situação política na Ucrânia [http://www.larepublica.es] diz sobre o mesmo assunto o seguinte:
"Funcionarios del Servicio de Seguridad ucranianos interceptaron la conversación telefónica en la que los políticos intercambiaban sus impresiones sobre los recientes acontecimientos en Ucrania.
Cuando abordaron el uso de la fuerza durante las protestas, Paet [Urmas Paet, MNE da Letónia] ofreció información que confirma los rumores de que los francotiradores fueron contratados por los propios líderes de Maidán.
Según el ministro de Estonia, las pruebas que le mostraron evidencian el hecho de que tanto los manifestantes como los agentes de la Policía fueron asesinados por los mismos francotiradores.
“Es preocupante el hecho de que la nueva coalición no quiera investigar el asunto y ahora se hace más evidente que detrás de los francotiradores no estaba [Víktor] Yanukóvich, sino que había personas de la nueva coalición”, agregó.
Paet told RIA-Novosti news agency that he talked to Catherine Ashton* last week right after retiring from Kiev, but refrained from further comments, saying that he has to “listen to the tape first.”
“It’s very disappointing that such surveillance took place altogether. It’s not a coincidence that this conversation was uploaded [to the web] today,” he stressed.
“My conversation with Ashton took place last week right after I returned from Kiev. At that time I was already in Estonia,” Paet added.
Paet also gave a press conference about the leaked tape on Wednesday, saying that the dramatic events in Kiev, which resulted in people being killed, must become the subject of an independent investigation.
The Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a statement on its website, saying that the recording of the leaked telephone conversation between Paet and Ashton is “authentic.”
The phone call took place on February 26 after Estonia’s FM returned from his visit to Ukraine, which took place soon after the end of street violence in Kiev, the ministry added.
“We reject the claim that Paet was giving an assessment of the opposition’s involvement in the violence," the statement stressed, adding that the FM was only providing an overview of what he had heard during his Kiev visit.
“We reject the claim that Paet was giving an assessment of the opposition’s involvement in the violence," the statement stressed, adding that the FM was only providing an overview of what he had heard during his Kiev visit.
RT has contacted Ashton’s spokesperson, Maja Kocijancic, who said “we don’t comment on leaked phone conversations.”
The US government declined to comment on the leaked phone conversation between EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and the Estonian foreign affairs minister.
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said she had nothing to say on the issue, ITAR-TASS reported. However, she did accuse Russia of leaking the tape, stating that “this was another example of how the Russians work.”
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said she had nothing to say on the issue, ITAR-TASS reported. However, she did accuse Russia of leaking the tape, stating that “this was another example of how the Russians work.”
The call took place after Estonia’s Foreign Minister Urmas Paet visited Kiev on February 25, following the peak of clashes between the pro-EU protesters and security forces in the Ukrainian capital.
It was reportedly uploaded to the web by officers of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) loyal to ousted President Viktor Yanukovich who hacked Paet’s and Ashton’s phones.
During the conversation, Paet stressed that “there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition.”
According to the Estonian FM, “all the evidence shows”that the “same snipers” at Maidan were shooting at people from both sides – the police and the protesters.
Ashton reacted to the information by saying: “Well, yeah…that’s, that’s terrible,” adding that the matter is worth investigating.
94 people were killed and another 900 injured during the standoff between police and protesters at Maidan Saquare in Kiev last month."
It was reportedly uploaded to the web by officers of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) loyal to ousted President Viktor Yanukovich who hacked Paet’s and Ashton’s phones.
During the conversation, Paet stressed that “there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition.”
According to the Estonian FM, “all the evidence shows”that the “same snipers” at Maidan were shooting at people from both sides – the police and the protesters.
Ashton reacted to the information by saying: “Well, yeah…that’s, that’s terrible,” adding that the matter is worth investigating.
94 people were killed and another 900 injured during the standoff between police and protesters at Maidan Saquare in Kiev last month."
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Estas notícias não pôem em causa a justeza da revolução Ucrania para o acordo com a UE, nem dá credebilidade as afirmações grosseiras do Pútin de que a revolução fói um golpe de estado militar.
Não porá em causa a justeza das manifestações na praça de Kiev, mas demonstrará, pelo menos, que o aproveitamento do descontentamento popular foi aproveitado pelas forças políticas da oposição para se alcandorarem ao governo. Para quem queria julgar o ex-presidente por crimes contra a humanidade, convenhamos que é uma grande sem "vergonhice"!
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